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Strong & Balanced

A 6 Week VIP Group Coaching Program for >60s Women

Doors will close on 23rd August 2024, with the program officially kicking off on the 26th August 2024.

I know you want to feel better in your body today, while also feeling confident that you're doing enough for a stronger, future you. 

I know you’re sick of your body getting in the way,  with stiffness, niggles & pains stopping you from moving the way you used to.  

I also know that committing to something new feels like it's in the 'too hard' basket right now.

You've heard that strength training is important for women, especially as we get older, but you just don't know where to start!

You might be feeling:

  • Overwhelmed by where to start: Strength training can seem daunting, and it’s hard to know what exercises are right for you. 
  • Worried about losing function: You may be concerned about declining strength, balance, and overall physical ability. 
  • Frustrated with joint aches and pains: Persistent discomfort might be making it difficult to stay active and enjoy daily activities. 
  • Confused about how to fit exercise into your busy life: Finding time and motivation can be challenging, especially with other responsibilities. 
  • Uncertain about the effectiveness of your current exercise routine: You might be unsure if what you’re doing is truly making a difference. 
  • Skeptical about the benefits of strength training: It can be hard to believe that a short daily workout could bring significant improvements to your health and well-being.

Imagine if...

Every day you felt confident and empowered in your strength training journey, knowing you were truly taking care of your body and health?  

  • To not feel overwhelmed or confused about where to start with strength training.
  • To experience the joy of seeing tangible improvements in your bone health, balance, and overall vitality.
  • To feel supported by a dedicated community of women who share your goals and understand your journey.
  •  To enjoy the peace of mind that comes with expert guidance from a skilled women’s health physiotherapist. 
  • To confidently perform exercises knowing you are doing them right and effectively. 
  • To receive personalised attention and accountability that ensures you stay on track and achieve your goals. 
  • To feel proud of yourself for making a commitment to your health and well-being, even with a busy life.

Hi, I’m Libby.
 Just like you, I’ve got a lot of balls in the air!
I’m a Mum of three boys, a wife and a business owner, and I’m just over here trying to raise good humans & build meaningful relationships, while looking after myself and living a purposeful life (no biggie).  
Having recently hit 40, I’m also very aware of the impact of aging on my body. I want to make sure I’m doing what I can to feel good now and way into the future. Because I just don’t want my body getting in the way of what I want (and need) to do.
I’ve have over 18 years experience as a physiotherapist, working with women throughout the life stages, helping them manage pain, injuries & dysfunction, whilst guiding them to keep their bodies moving in the best way for them.

Helping women feel stronger and more confident in what their bodies can do is what I do EVERY DAY.

I love it.

And I would love to help you too!


A GLOW10 VIP Group Coaching Program, specifically for women >60

So you can learn exactly what it takes to build a stronger, more resilient body & understand how to get the most out training safely and effectively at home

To take you from beginner to confident in building strength & balance, with video demonstrations, cues & alternatives to choose from


So you can share your challenges, wins & questions, be held accountable and stay on track together.


So you can navigate all of the resources easily from your phone, tablet or laptop.



6 week Commitment

  • 6 week Physio-designed & led exercise programming 1 users
  • Weekly 45min Group Coaching Sessions with Physio Free import & export
  • Private group (facebook / whatsapp) for Accountability 
  • Access to online membership portal 
  • Access to additional printable resources 


Receive additional value

  • 6.5% discount for up front payment
  • 6 week Physio-designed & led exercise programming
  • Weekly 45min Group Coaching Sessions with Physio
  • Private group (facebook / whatsapp) for Accountability
  • Access to online membership portal
  • Access to additional printable resources
  • BONUS - Free access to Nutrition Masterclass 'Fuelling your Best Body'

August 2024 Program now FULL