Everyday Strength for Everyday Women

Build a stronger body in less time, with less fuss and more confidence.


I know you want to feel better in your body today,
while also feeling confident that you're doing enough for a stronger, future you.

I know you’re sick of your body getting in the way, 
with stiffness, niggles & pains stopping you from moving the way you used to.

I also know that committing to something new feels like it's in the 'too hard' basket right now.

To begin with...

-> You just can't seem to find the time, energy or motivation to stick to a regular exercise routine

You know you’re meant to be exercising regularly and you know how important strength training is for women, but you just struggle to exercise consistently.

Unless you’re booked into a class, or someone is making you do the work, you just don’t know how to motivate yourself to exercise on your own.

So you don't. Then you beat yourself up for being lazy and unmotivated.

But guess what?
Motivation is overrated.
Motivation does not lead to action.

When you identify your own unique habit blockers, you can learn how to build habits that don't rely on motivation.
When you discover that consistency and perfection are not the same thing, you will find yourself making small but significant strides in the right direction.
And when you learn a few simple training principles, you will discover that effective workouts can be achieved in way less time than you think.

-> There are so many things you hear you “should” be doing, it’s overwhelming and you don’t know where or how to start.

You are bombarded on the daily by all of the things you should be doing to look after your body.
Even when you have made the decision to do strength training, there are just so many options.

How much weight is ‘enough’?
How many reps and sets are you supposed to do?
Do you need to go to a gym?
Do you use machines, or free weights or kettlebells?

Talk about overwhelming!

So you put it off. You just keep cruising along, doing what you’ve always done, moving ‘strength training’ down the to-do list.
Or you convince yourself that the walking / yoga / Pilates you're doing is probably enough...

But when you learn the basic principles of strength training and what your body needs to move better and feel stronger, you will find yourself naturally blocking out all of the other noise. And  all of a sudden, it will just seem so simple.

-> You’re worried you’re going to hurt yourself or make things worse with poor technique. 

You are probably already carrying a niggle here, or an old injury there. You might have even found exercise has aggravated things in the past.
So now, you are a little fearful of doing the wrong exercise, or using bad technique and making things MUCH worse.

And understandably so! An injury right now, other than being painful, would be a HUGE inconvenience!
You’ve got stuff to do, people to take care of and a life to live!

So you just play it safe. Stick to what you’ve always done (or not done). Which means nothing changes.

Or you ONLY exercise in a supervised class, so that you can rely on someone else to tell you if your form is bad.
But this just isn't always sustainable (or time efficient!) and how do you know if that person really gets it?

Once YOU learn the basics of good form, the cues that work for your body and how to tell when your body is doing an exercise well (or not), you take back control!
No matter which environment you're in, you KNOW that you’re finding the perfect balance for your body between safe and challenging.

Even though you want things to be different, it feels like there are so many obstacles in the way!

You just don't have any free time!
You've got so many balls in the air with caring for kids, grandkids +/or parents, working and trying to keep a household running.

Gyms memberships, buying equipment and personal training can all add up.
But motivating yourself without them feels impossible. 

You have too much information at your fingerips and EVERYONE'S an expert. There is just so much noise out there!  

Doing regular strength training feels hard right now
(and a little boring, if you're honest)...
But you're starting to feel a mild state of panic creep in...

If your body feels niggly and stiff now...
How are you going to feel in another 10 or 20 years time?

I know you’ve got a lot on your plate.
Trust me, I get it!

You’ve got so many balls in the air - family, work, friends, finances, pets, household, self care -  the mental load is huge!

It just doesn’t feel like there’s enough hours in the day to get all the things you want to do done, let alone the things you’re ‘supposed’ to do. 

But deep down, you know that building a stronger body isn’t something you’re just supposed to do.
It’s actually something you want to do (or at least, WANT to want to do)

You actually do want to be the kind of person who:

  • exercises regularly and actually looks forward to it
  • can feel yourself getting stronger and moving better each week, with less aches & pains
  • feels confident that you’re doing enough for your body to get the most out of life now and well into the future
  • knows exactly what to do each day and how to listen to your body
  • knows how to adapt when life gets in the way, without losing momentum

You could just keep doing what you're doing...
Setting a big goal, going ALL IN for a week, and then falling off the wagon for the rest of the month (and feeling pretty bad about yourself in the process).
Trying new gyms, new classes and new apps in the hope that one will stick.
You could keep doing nothing.


You could join a tribe of women just like you...
Women who are building stronger bodies by following a unique, simplified strength program that can be done in
as little as 10mins/day.
A program that has been developed by an experienced physiotherapist with over 18 years of experience and rooted in the latest research on women and exercise.  

Introducing the GLOW10 Tribe 

The GLOW10 Tribe is an online community of women who feel just like you do.
Women who want to move and feel better, but are facing many of the same challenges.
Busy, everyday women who just want to build everyday strength in a way that works for them.

Hi, I’m Libby.

Just like you, I’ve got a lot of balls in the air!
I’m a Mum of three boys, a wife and a business owner, and I’m just over here trying to raise good humans & build meaningful relationships, while looking after myself and living a purposeful life (no biggie).

Having recently hit 40, I’m also very aware of the impact of aging on my body. I want to make sure I’m doing what I can to feel good now and way into the future. Because I just don’t want my body getting in the way of what I want (and need) to do.

I’ve have over 18 years experience as a physiotherapist, working with women throughout the life stages, helping them manage pain, injuries & dysfunction, whilst guiding them to keep their bodies moving in the best way for them.

Helping women feel stronger and more confident in what their bodies can do is what I do EVERY DAY. 

I love it.
And I would love to help you too.  

I’m feeling so much stronger and more confident in my body as a result of starting Glow10. Libby has designed a program that’s achievable, addictive (the dopamine hit after doing a few days in a row), noticeable in terms of results and energy, fun and supportive. I was skeptical at first joining an online exercise program as I have failed with motivation for these in the past but the degree of support and encouragement she gives makes it achievable, especially with the mindset of “consistency not perfection”, and this comes from designing the program with a deep understanding of what it is like to be a busy mum with all the balls in the air. Plus it’s achievable for me - 10 mins a day, I can even do it in my PJs after kids in bed! Highly recommend, love it!
Nichola - GLOW10 Tribe Member
When you join the GLOW10 Tribe, you get a weekly strength program,  supportive resources and ongoing accountability, education and support. All with exclusive and unlimited access to an easy-to-navigate, 
members-only portal.
The membership includes:

Delivered to your inbox at the start of the week, to reduce overwhelm & keep things simple. The program can be done in 10mins/day OR stacked to do 2 or 3 days/week (you choose).


With video demonstrations, cues for correct technique so you know how to self monitor, and options for progression & modifications so you can be adaptable.


For you to ask the physio questions, and to do a technique deep dive on a different exercise each month


Access to a private facebook group for you to ask questions and for women in the tribe to support each other and share their tips, wins & challenges.


Including interviews with experts, digging deep on a range of topics that will support you in building a stronger, more resilient body


Like habit trackers & training logs to that you can measure & track your progress with ease


To help keep you accountable & motivated and to help you build other healthy habits that support your best body. (Prizes included!)


To support you in building a stronger body, including protein recipe e-books, nervous system tools, mobility and holiday workouts and more  


Become a GLOW10 Tribe Member now and lock in the lowest price this membership 
will ever be again, for as long as you wish to remain a member.

Get started now for $/month. No lock in contracts. Cancel anytime. 

Or pay in full for the year, receiving 2.5 months for FREE + Bonuses 
(saving $257)
I decided to join GLOW10 as it sounded like an awesome home-based strength exercise program that could fit into my busy mum schedule. Libby's instructional videos are great to get the hang of the single exercise and the program requires minimal equipment...
I loved Libby's frequent motivational posts to keep up the spirit and the masterclasses are a great opportunity to ask any questions that come up. Thanks a lot Libby for putting together such a great program!
Katrin - GLOW10 Tribe Member


(no contract, cancel anytime)

  • Physiotherapist-designed Strength Program (updated weekly)
  • Library of Exercise Demos, Exercise Progressions and Variations/Modifications
  • Monthly live 'Ask the Physio' session + Deep dive Form Focus
  • Bimonthly Group Challenge (with prizes!)
  • Bimonthly Masterclass with Expert
  • Private Community Facebook Group for support
  • Printable Resources, like training logs and habit trackers
  • Growing library of resources for supportive practices (Nutrition, Habit Building, Nervous System Support & Pain management)


(Save $257, 12 month commitment)

  • Physiotherapist-designed Strength Program (updated weekly) 
  • Library of Exercise Demos, Exercise Progressions and Variations/Modifications
  • Monthly live 'Ask the Physio' session + Deep dive Form Focus
  • Bimonthly Group Challenge (with prizes!)
  • Bimonthly Masterclass with Expert
  • Private Community Facebook Group for support
  • Printable Resources, like training logs and habit trackers
  • Growing library of resources for supportive practices (Nutrition, Habit Building, Nervous System Support & Pain management)
  • PAY IN FULL BONUS: 2.5 Months FREE
  • PAY IN FULL BONUS: 1:1 Physio Assessment & Equipment Review (20mins, Online) OR 2 x 1:1 Co-Workout sessions
  • PAY IN FULL BONUS: My '16-day Core Transformation' Program
It’s the connection, the elimination of judgement, the community support (doesn’t matter that you have never met other members), the personalised attention, the mind, body, soul holistic approach and importantly, the trust you generate through your connectedness, your knowledge, your professionalism, your beautiful caring personality and the learning journey of self awareness we travel together. I love it and I am stronger, more confident, more resilient and am kinder to myself (my limitations and occasional setbacks and health issues) and more able to adapt to bumps along the way. 
Sue - GLOW10 Tribe Member

Everything inside the GLOW10 tribe has been developed to help you build strength with less fuss and more confidence.
But what you’re REALLY getting is:

  • A happier, healthier relationship with your body
  • More confidence that you’re doing enough for a stronger you now, and well into the future
  • Clarity around what’s held you back from building habits in the past and what you need to make them stick in the future
  • A sense of power over how to manage your own niggles, aches & pains
  • An experienced physio on hand to ask all of those question you usually have to save up for a 1:1 appointment
  • The support of an amazing community of women to keep each other on track and share your challenges & wins with

Frequently Asked Questions

The GLOW10 strength program is a weekly program, made up of 6 x 10min strength workouts that have been carefully designed to target all major muscle groups twice/week.
Depending on your schedule and preference, you can choose to do your program:
- 10mins/day (6 days/week)
- 20mins, 3x/week, or
- 30mins, 2x/week

Yep! With strength training principles and with smart programming that utilises supersets for maximum efficiency, you can absolutely get results in 10mins/day! (And if you have no idea what any of these words mean, don't worry, you will learn it all in the membership!)

No! You don't need to join a gym to do the GLOW10 program. You may need a small amount of equipment to get the most out of your membership (see next FAQ) but you don't need a full, fancy set up.

That being said, if you are already a member of a gym and you want to keep your membership, the GLOW10 Program would give you an amazing plan for what to do in the gym, on which days. 

You can start with whatever you have got! Even if that is nothing. Body-weight only exercises are included in the program, and there will be options to tweak the exercise to make it harder or easier.

With time however, you will find you can often work your muscles more effectively in less time if you have some free weights available. Most of the women in the tribe have ended up with 1 set of dumbbells and one heavier kettlebell. Throw in a resistance band and an exercise mat and you'll be amazed at what you can achieve!

But don't rush out and buy anything. It can take a week or two to work out exactly what you will get the best use out of.

The beauty of being in the GLOW10 Tribe is that you will be supported by me! A physiotherapist with over 18 years of experience helping women keep moving, through pain & injury.

There will be regular Q&As with me, and support within the facebook group to answer your specific questions, but I am confident almost all restrictions due to pain/injury can be worked around so that you can stay on track and consistent with your strength training. In fact, many of the women in the tribe have described an improvement in their pain with the program!

The GLOW10 Tribe is not specifically designed as a pregnancy or postpartum program, but this is intentional! Pre & postnatal programming should not be generic, any more than it should be for the rest of us. Our pregnancies & births are all different, as is our history with exercise.

The entire program is suitable for pre & postnatal women using the provided modifications as needed, and of course, you will have access to me for support! A physio with 18 years experience providing exercise guidance to pre & postnatal women.

If you are currently pregnant or have recently had a baby, I would recommend selecting the annual membership option so that you can take advantage of the 1:1 Physio Review bonus, or booking one separately, so that you may feel confident in your modifications.

Well, I don't know your age...but my answer is NO! There is no age limit for the GLOW10 Tribe.

In fact, I love introducing older women to strength training because they often experience improvements much faster than younger women do! Strength training has been proven to be protective for cardiovascular disease, blood sugar management, bone health and cognitive function. Strength training can transform a woman's vitality at any age.

It depends. Are you already strength training? And I don't mean doing Pilates or yoga once/week.

Even if you're already exercising regularly, if you are not specifically strength training, you are missing out on benefits like stronger bones, increased muscle mass, better insulin sensitivity and decreased metabolic rate!

The GLOW10 Tribe program does not need to replace your current exercise routine, it is just a lovely addition.

Nope. You can cancel your membership any time and receive access for the remainder of your paid term (i.e remainder of the month if you are a monthly member, or remainder of the year if you are an annual member.)

Please keep in mind however that membership fees are not refundable.

All of the membership content is very easy to navigate! You can access it on your phone, tablet or computer and you will only require basic tech skills to navigate.

In addition, to keep things super simple, the GLOW10 weekly strength programs will be emailed straight to your inbox with direct links to the demonstrations videos. 

Engaging in the Facebook community is optional. Whilst we have an active and engaged facebook, I understand facebook groups are not for everyone!

I will be in the group once/week to answer specific questions, which you may find valuable. However, you can be as involved as much or as little as you like!  And I will share any important updates in the membership platform community too for those who are not on facebook.



(no contract, cancel anytime)

  • Physiotherapist-designed Strength Program (updated weekly)
  • Library of Exercise Demos, Exercise Progressions and Variations/Modifications
  • Monthly live 'Ask the Physio' session + Deep dive Form Focus
  • Bimonthly Group Challenge (with prizes!)
  • Bimonthly Masterclass with Expert
  • Private Community Facebook Group for support
  • Printable Resources, like training logs and habit trackers
  • Growing library of resources for supportive practices (Nutrition, Habit Building, Nervous System Support & Pain management)


(Save $257, 12 month commitment)

  • Physiotherapist-designed Strength Program (updated weekly) 
  • Library of Exercise Demos, Exercise Progressions and Variations/Modifications
  • Monthly live 'Ask the Physio' session + Deep dive Form Focus
  • Bimonthly Group Challenge (with prizes!)
  • Bimonthly Masterclass with Expert
  • Private Community Facebook Group for support
  • Printable Resources, like training logs and habit trackers
  • Growing library of resources for supportive practices (Nutrition, Habit Building, Nervous System Support & Pain management)
  • PAY IN FULL BONUS: 2.5 Months FREE
  • PAY IN FULL BONUS: 1:1 Physio Assessment & Equipment Review (20mins, Online) OR 2 x 1:1 Co-Workout sessions
  • PAY IN FULL BONUS: My '16-day Core Transformation' Program

The doors to the GLOW10 Tribe will be closed until the October 2024

