Core Foundations

Build a Stronger Core in 16 Days, from the Inside -> Out

Now, I don't know if:

  • You've just had a baby and you feel like you're starting from scratch 
  • Your abdominal region just doesn't feel the way it used to, or
  • You're worried your weak core is contributing to your pain or increasing your risk of injury 

But I DO know that you want to feel STRONGER in your core.

You want ALL of the things that a stronger core brings

You want: 
  • To feel less stiff and more mobile
  • Better stability and balance
  • To be able to push, pull, run jump, do ALL of the things (without worrying about hurting your back!)
  • More control over your breath, bladder & bowel

You just don't know where to start.

Are crunches good for you?
Should you be doing planks? 
Where do Pelvic floor exercises fit into all of this?

And how do you know if you're doing it properly?

Hi, I’m Libby.
 Just like you, I’ve got a lot of balls in the air!
I’m a Mum of three boys, a wife and a business owner, and I’m just over here trying to raise good humans & build meaningful relationships, while looking after myself and living a purposeful life (no biggie).  
Having recently hit 40, I’m also very aware of the impact of aging on my body. I want to make sure I’m doing what I can to feel good now and way into the future. Because I just don’t want my body getting in the way of what I want (and need) to do.
I’ve have over 18 years experience as a physiotherapist, working with women throughout the life stages, helping them manage pain, injuries & dysfunction, whilst guiding them to keep their bodies moving in the best way for them.

Helping women feel stronger and more confident in what their bodies can do is what I do EVERY DAY.

I love it.

And I would love to help you too!

Introducing the

A Four-Week Mini Course, taking you through the exact 4-step system I use with my clients
to help them build a stronger core, from the inside out.

Pressure Management

We learn how to individually engage the main muscles of the core cylinder, and then bring them together to  manage the pressure in our abdomen

Core Stability
We practice adding load to our neutral spine to challenge the stability of our core muscles

Building Core Strength

We Learn how to know when body is ready for progression & how to make an exercise harder

Making Everything a Core Exercise

We learn how to make everything a core exercise &  how to ensure effort meets the demand

The Core Foundations Program includes
- A short training on what the core is (and isn't) and how to get the most out of the program
4 weeks of core strength programming, working through each of the steps
-16 different exercises (over 4 weeks), each with instructional video demonstrations
- A workbook to print & fill out, including exercise to complete & observations prompts

And the entire program is designed to be completed in just
-> 10mins/day
-> For 16 Days


Are you ready to build core strength in less time, with less fuss and more confidence?

Invest in a stronger YOU for just


One-time purchase.
Lifetime Access to the Course.
Start & finish the program,
when it suits YOU.